
Showing posts from February, 2019

Macro Diet and Exercise: What You Need to Know

Macro Diet and Exercise: What You Need to Know If you are reading this, chances are that you are either about to start the macro diet to lose weight and get healthy , or already began and have some questions how it plays out when it comes to exercising and other physical activities. Either way, good ! As we have stated before, macro dieting is simply the most reliable, science-based method to lose weight and get in shape. The thing is that due to decades of misconceptions and misinformation about nutrition and exercise regimes to lose weight, most of the info out there is geared towards addressing the former while leaving the latter sitting in a blind-spot for the most part. There isn’t nearly enough clear information on how these two things interact with each other. Especially if we consider how wildly successful the macro diet is proving to be. I want to start remedying that. In this piece, I’m going to quickly go over the basics of how – and why – the macro diet works so wel...

Keto vs Macro: Which is superior?

There are hundreds of dietary alternatives out there. From Paleo dieters, to Atkins followers, all promise weight loss and a wholesome lifestyle. Any nutritional coach worth their salt knows what makes them all work: Caloric deficit. Any regime that creates caloric deficit will result in fat loss. However, this does not mean that all diets and nutritional regimes are sustainable. Diets that impose draconian restrictions to food tend to be ineffective. Not because they don´t produce the desired effect, but because sooner or later they will rebound. A proof of this is that the term “Cheat Meal” has become both a buzzword and an institution during the last few decades. Fortunately, the new millennium has given way to systems that see metabolism under another light. Ketones and Macronutrients These terms have gained traction during the last decade. They are the foundation of very different and innovative nutritional approaches and offer elegant solutions to those who want to lose we...