
Showing posts from March, 2018

7 High Protein Snacks for Those On The Go

  We live in a world where we tend to rush around like a chicken with its head chopped off—minus the gore and awkward flailing. At the sound of our alarm clock we hop out of bed, jump in the shower, dry off, throw our clothes on, brush our teeth and hair, wake up the kids, clothe them, make them breakfast, make yourself breakfast, rush everyone out the door to catch the school bus, and then off to work you go. Phew. It’s exhausting just thinking about it. There are days where you simply don’t have time to sit down and eat breakfast yourself, I get it. And for that reason, you need to ensure you have high protein snacks at your disposal. At IIFYM, we love protein and try to fit it into all of our meals and snack options. As science tells us, protein is the building blocks for muscle growth and recovery. More specifically, it’s the amino acids found in protein that are the true champions at maintaining and building that hard-earned lean muscle mass we all strive for. (A great pl...

Dealing With Negative Family Members That Don’t Support Your Fat Loss Efforts

  “If it was easy, everyone would do it.” One of the most overused, but quite accurate statements about virtually anything significant we pursue. Fat loss is right up there with some of the most personally rewarding but often-difficult tasks to achieve. Especially when first starting out. Even with tools like the IIFYM Macro Calculator on hand, the journey of fat loss can be confusing and be challenging at times. Fat loss becomes especially challenging if we feel negative pressure from our family members that may not support our fat loss efforts. Or just simply don’t understand what we’re doing. As encouraging as a positive support system can be, equally discouraging is the feeling that those closest to us believe what we’re doing is silly or unnecessary. As an online physique coach, I’ve had experience with a myriad of athletes focused on fat loss that have shared various encounters with family members. Experiences that, along with my own, have helped me gain a perspective o...

Why An Exercise Routine Isn’t Necessary To Lose Fat

  While many people attribute their weight loss to exercise, it turns out that using an exercise routine really isn’t necessary for losing body fat. Although that may sound counterintuitive to everything you’ve heard in the past, total weight and fat loss is actually due to creating what is known as a negative energy balance. Fortunately, a negative energy balance can be accomplished via manipulation of many different variables, which may or may not include an exercise routine. In this article, I’ll be discussing why exercise isn’t required for fat loss and then what other variables you should manipulate if your goal is to drop body fat. (Whether your goal is to lose fat, build muscle, or maintain weight our macro calculator is a great place to start.) Factors Influencing Fat Loss Before getting into further specifics, it’s important to point out key variables associated with weight and, of course, fat loss. Understanding these principles is imperative if you want to change...